Dear members & visitors,
Welcome to the website of Singapore Bible Baptist Church!
This year 2024, our theme is Worshipping The Lord, taken from Romans 1:25, of the Bible, God's holy Word.
Indeed, let us worship God in truth & spirit amid lies & materialism, as He is our Creator as well as Saviour, who is worthy of all our praises & honour.
When we honour & worship God, He shall honour & bless us, because He loves us, & sent Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, to die for the sins & wrongdoings of the world, including yours & mine.
We are sinners, because the first created beings, Adam & Eve, made in God's image, disobeyed Him by taking the fruit of the knowledge of good & evil. However, God already knew man will sin, & He has an eternal & precious redemption plan where Jesus shall die for our sins, & when we believe in Him with our hearts, we will be saved from the Devil's burning hell, & one day, He shall promote us to His glorious & splendid heaven.
Thank God for His gospel, that only Jesus saves!
Looking forward to see all of you soon, God bless!
His servant
Pastor Davy Sim
Isaiah 40:31.
His servant
Pastor Davy Sim
Isaiah 40:31

Click here to join the SBBC Singapore Facebook group for other information.
I. Sunday School Classes at 9.45am
- Adult Sunday School Class
- Life Stage Sunday School Class
- Young Professionals Sunday School Class
- Youth Sunday School Class
II. Main Worship Service at 11am
- Youth Worship Service
III. Afternoon Worship Service at 2:15pm
If you need any pastoral care, please call Pastor Davy Sim at 67782038.