In January 1968, a missionary from High Street Baptist Church in Springfield, Missouri in the US came to Singapore to establish a new field of operation for the Baptist Bible Fellowship International. Singapore Bible Baptist Church was started in 1970 with ten members. Services and meetings were held in a rented building at Dunearn Road. Then, most of the members were very young, below 20 years old, and some were expatriates. A school bus would bring young enthusiastic children and teenagers to church to listen to the Word of God. Many received the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, and their lives have since been transformed to live for Him.
After moving from location to location, we finally bought a property at 371 Pasir Panjang Road in 1986. It was a great leap of faith given the limited resources we had then. And God bless. In 1998, we took another step of faith to rebuild the property to accommodate a growing congregation. And God provide.
As the church grew spiritually and numerically, many of our members were called to full-time service for Christ. Despite much difficulties and setbacks, the Lord has used SBBC to raise up missionaries and pastors. In the foreign fields, some serve as missionaries and church planters in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan and New Zealand; in the local ground, some local Baptist pastors came to know the Lord through the ministry of SBBC.
Apart from mission work and church planting, God has used ordinary members to impact the lives of our loved ones and friends and bring them to know God. Personal evangelism through testimony and invitation continues to help draw people through the doors of SBBC. Sound teaching and preaching of the Bible will remain the hallmark of SBBC.
The history of SBBC is made up of people and events, but what makes SBBC what it is today is solely by God’s grace and mercy. It is never the work of one or a few individuals, but the testament of the enduring and everlasting love of God. And God will continue to bless when we put our faith in Him and worship Him in truth and spirit.
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